Monday 12 June 2017

The Organic Farming Sourcebook

Published by Other India Press in association with Third World Network
ISBN: 81-85569-46-0
Year: 2009  No. of pages: 464


Written and designed to excite and stimulate your interest in organic farming, this sourcebook will take you to every aspect of the subject:
• You will encounter surprising details about the traditions of raising food in India and the equally amazing traditions of generously sharing it;
• You will learn about the techniques through which farmers have maintained the vitality, fertility and life of the soil over forty centuries;
• You will have access to hundreds of innovative and pioneering organic farmers who long ago deserted the ‘green’ revolution and its barbaric technology of mass-kill;
• You will get an opportunity to understand and digest the fundamental principles of various organic farming systems from the best of the class;
• You will also have access to what the government is now doing to promote organic farming within the country;
• You will find addresses of green shops where you can access organically grown food;
• For the intellectual there are severe critiques of the ‘green’ revolution and how it came to be imposed on this country. For the activist, there is a history of organic farming and addresses of individuals and institutions that are promoting it as part of India’s efforts to revert to sustainable agriculture.

CLAUDE ALVARES is Director of the Central Secretariat of the Organic Farming Association of India, located in Goa, India.

1.      The Food Traditions of India                                                
2.            The Traditions of Raising Food                                            
3.            The Green Revolution: Painful Harvest
4.            Genetic Terrorism
5.            India’s Organic Farming Movement: A History
6.            Principles of Organic Farming
7.            Organic Seed
8.            Go Mata Returns
9.            Directory of Organic Farms, Farmers and Promoters
10.        Organic Stores
11.        Learning Organic Agriculture
12.        Organic Asia

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